Monday, November 14, 2011
每首歌都有它的專屬回憶 或許是一段故事 或許是某些情緒 人人對音樂和語言 都有不同見解與喜好 我一直傾向中文歌曲 因為許多中文歌曲所帶出的情感 和詞中的詩意 話中話 是其他語言的歌曲無法詮釋的 儘管中文歌曲不再受歡迎 它在我心中的意義 永遠不變 Saturday, November 12, 2011 sometimes when i look at myself in the mirror, i feel so ugly and wonder why people actually like me, let alone fall in love with me. Sunday, November 06, 2011 Find something close to your heart amidst all the trials and tribulations of life, 'cos that's what will make the struggle all worthwhile. What's yours? These few months have been a trying period, mentally and emotionally. It has led to a lot of reflections, a few secret mini mental breakdowns, some tears, and very little sleep. There's much to talk about, but I guess details are redundant; I have things to share and thoughts are flashing so fast in my head I'm afraid they would be lost if I don't pen them down today. Is there something in your life that makes you feel as if you can spend any amount of effort to achieve, and have the end product remove any ounce of resentment or fatigue that surfaced during the process? For some, it could be an A grade on a paper. It could be a crowd's cheers and looks of admiration. It could be a pretty paycheck. It could be a loved one's smile. For me, it is the hearts of the people whom I have walked together with, and have left an impact on. Knowing I played a part in changing someone's life for the better, however small, is one of the most genuine happiness I have felt. Even if it were only a shared memory, the feeling of giving it my all and knowing the moment will be part of me forever... It's priceless. What sparked of this chain of thoughts particularly was something Sandy (dongsaeng from CJ) said to me this evening - a simple '辛苦了'. It shocked me, because in my eyes, all I saw was them working so hard, Sandy and Natalie meeting up everyday from early in the day till late at night; the group meeting up and practising as soon as they are able to put aside other things in their lives... And amidst being surprised by their true efforts and tearing myself between them and my own school work, I didn't notice I didn't actually have to be there officially, but am also giving my all seeing them through their items. I didn't know they really became part of me until I felt an emotional surge while telling them how they must put up a performance that they will never regret, no matter what the results turn out to be. I really appreciated the acknowledgement from my dear girls; it gave me more strength to push on, be it for myself, or for them. For me, the feeling of giving is enough to see me through hard times. My 演員s shining onstage in 華會... VJ people dancing the school mass dance... Blogposts from VJ freshmen saying how fun orientation was... Ronald's reaction seeing a birthday cake outside his door at 12am... My S2 freshies cheering their lungs out and enjoying the camp... And the most recent one: laughing till our faces ache during group vocal practices... And many more. I'm glad to be part of all these memories, whether or not I am directly involved. Because I have these, I feel my life has not been wasted. No matter how small those moments may be, it is these moments that make me, and will be part of me forever. 就算只有片刻 我也不害怕 是片刻組成永恆哪 你的生命 是為了什麼而活的呢? |
![]() Clovergreen♥ There's more to things than you'll ever know, but I'm beginning to anticipate the unknown. Smile, because you are worth it. Tey Xiao Wei 08021991 NUS FASS Victoria Junior College CHIJ SN Aquarius Enthusiast Extreme 蘇打綠 Sodafan Designer : Chili. x o x o free web counter |